Sharing our Learning in Division 12

How can we create math story problems?


Several weeks ago, we took our math learning outside to explore groups of 1000 and begin our number sense unit. We were surprised at how long it took us… and then how small the amount looked! Last week, we connected our learning to a photo of a beaver dam that Ms. Carley found at the Burn’s Bog! It looked so similar to when we collected groups of 1000 sticks! With each photo at the bog, we got more information for our estimations of how many sticks were in the photo. Our understanding of number sense, place value, ordering, comparing, adding, and subtracting has come a long way!

After estimating how many sticks were in the dam, we solved a wordless story problem about the beaver who might have built that dam. The next day, we were inspired to create our own story problems and came up with stories that had all sorts of math operations. Some were about addition, time, division, measurement, patterns, and more! Where can math live inside stories?

1 Comment

  1. Hugo Cardoso

    Awesome dam and awesome stick piling! 😀

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