Good morning Div. 4,

Today we have our weekly class meeting on Zoom at 11! It will be on Tuesdays from now on. If you can, please bring something that you would like to share with the class – maybe it is art, creations, inquiry findings, book you are reading! You can share this week or next (or both!).

Did anyone find any frog leaf yesterday? It was a nice day to explore outside!

All of your lovely rainbows have been put together into a slideshow with the rainbows from the rest of the school – with some special messages from staff as well! The rainbows are a symbol of joy, connection and hope! Click here to check it out The UHE Rainbow Connection Project!

What will your shape of the day be? 

Today you can continue to work on your inquiry research! Remember that assignment #3 has guiding questions that are just to start you off. If you have other interests or wonders about your country keep researching and finding information that you’re curious about!

Assignment #4 is now up for your inquiry where you can start to take your research and put it in your own words to create your PowerPoint. Even if you are in the middle of your research you can still start your PowerPoint!

If you are working on your own passion project, feel free to make it in there, or share a new power point with me!

As always, if you need any support or have any questions you can ask your peers on the support channel or message me in our private channel!

Happy Tuesday!