Good Morning, Division 4! 

I hope you have enjoyed learning and exploring with me this week. If we haven’t already spoke on the phone, I will be calling your family today. 

Here are some more activities for you to explore today and this weekend. Feel welcome to send me some photos of what you do!

  • Explore Mystery Science: How do magicians trick people?
    • (You don’t need to print the activity, you can draw your own!)
  • Write your Gratitude Journal #3
  • Daily physical activity challenge: Try a Just Dance workout!
  • Create a Duolingo account to practice your French
  • Find a topic that interests you at True Flix
  • Go on a virtual field trip
  • Surprise Art: You can try one of these videos to create a folding surprise art piece. Click here for a folding surprise puppy stack, click here for folding surprise shark, click here for surprise poke ball
  • Continue a project you already started!

Check out some of our featured artists and scientists for this week! 

How does spring inspire us? 

How can we use shadows to create art? 

How can we use our understanding to create germ models? 


How can we learn through experimentation?