Good Morning, Division 4!

Welcome to our second day. I miss seeing all of your smiling faces in class!

As I continue to work with the other teachers, here are some more ideas for you to explore. You might already be working on other projects with your family, activities from yesterday, or you might want to explore the ideas from the Burnaby School District website. Some activities might even take several days! You can choose what you would like to put into your “shape of the day” – it will look different for everyone.

Take your time and have fun! You can even take a photo of your learning adventure and send it to me.

Ideas for Learning Activities 

  • Explore Burnaby School District Learning Website
  • Science
  • Math
    • How do you use math at home in your daily life? Think of as many ways as possible!
    • Map Your Home
      • Draw your home layout from a “bird’s-eye-view”
      • Include furniture (remember to draw it like you’re looking at from the ceiling)
      • Use estimation—for example, how much of that wall is taken up by that dresser? 1/2? ÂĽ
      • How big is the kitchen compared to the living room?
  • Reading 
  • Writing
    • Word collectors: Keep collecting!
    • Can you use your words in a haiku poem (5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables)?
    • Can you write a haiku about staying home? 
  • Daily Physical Activity
    • Remember to take lots of physical activity breaks! 
    • Daily challenge: how many sit ups can you do today? (You can add them up throughout the day!)
  • Art 
    • Can you use shadows to create art? (I will try to post a photo later of my shadow art)