This term in book club, we have been exploring the structure of stories through graphic novels. We learned and noticed how text and visual features work together in graphic novels to tell a story. From organizing the panels and gutters, to different perspective shots, how can we create feeling, suspense, emotion, drama, connection? 

Next, we started looking more closely at what features are important to a story. What are the elements of a plot? How do we develop exposition, introducing character and setting? How can we have rising actions build up to a climax? How can we resolve our conflict through rising action and resolutions?

After examining the plots of the graphic novels we were reading and discussing in book club, and comparing them to other films and novels, we began to create our own stories. We are using the structure of a graphic novel to tell our stories. So far we have been working on our character sketches, plot diagrams, plot maps, and next week we will start creating the graphic novels themselves. Share your ideas with your family this weekend! See if they have any feedback or ideas for your plot!