Weekly update Sept. 27 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Sept. 27

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What happened this week in math?

In Kindergarten, the students are learning about patterns. Please check your child’s backpack for some patterning worksheets and ask your child to explain the patterns to you.

In Grade 1, we have been using “counting collections” (small containers of objects) to sort, pattern and count. We have been using “10 frames” to organize the objects for counting by 10s.

Orange Shirt Day

The students listened so well during the Orange Shirt Day assembly. We watched other classes perform drumming, read land acknowledgements, read stories, and share their learning about reconciliation. Please note that school will be closed on Monday September 30 to honour Truth and Reconciliation.

Fun in the sun

We enjoyed playing in the sun this afternoon.

Library Books

Your child brought home 2 library books on Wednesday. Please read and share these books at home together. Please return them to school in the ziploc bag on Wednesday so your child can check out 2 new books.

Good bye to Leo!

Leo will be moving so we all wished him well on his last day of school today. Leo, we wish you lots of new friends and fun times at your new school! We will miss you!

Good bye from me

I just want to say a quick good-bye and thank you all for your support (see letter sent home yesterday). Ms. Kasic will be an awesome teacher for the class! I’ll be back before you know it! Take care!

Dates to remember:

Monday September 30: School closed for Truth and Reconciliation Day

Friday Oct 11: Student Photos

Monday Oct 14: School closed for Thanksgiving

Friday Oct 25: Pro D Day, No school for students

Tuesday Oct 29: Pumpkin Patch Fun at Brantford

Thursday Oct 31: Halloween, Students are welcome to wear a costume. I recommend wearing a comfortable change of clothes under their costume so they can easily change if they get uncomfortable.

Have a beautiful weekend!


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