Weekly update Oct. 27 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Oct. 27

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Halloween Fun!

We were fortunate to have so many Halloween activities to enjoy today!

We all chose a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch and we were invited to a “not so spooky” haunted house in the library!

Counting Seeds and Carving our Pumpkin

We estimated the number of seeds in our pumpkin then counted by 10s to find out how many were inside. We counted 102 seeds!

Gr. 4/5 Buddies

This week we met with our big buddies from Mr. Cole’s class to make paper chains. Looking forward to many more buddy activities this year with them.

Five Little Pumpkins

This week we learned the song “5 little pumpkins”. We sequenced the story, sorted pumpkins by size and learned about speech bubbles.

Alphabet Exchange

We will be participated in an alphabet exchange where 26 schools within B.C. make letters to send to all of the schools. We made “zig zag Zs” to send to all the schools. We received our first letter in the mail today. Ask your child which letter of the alphabet was inside the envelope!

Fun in the classroom

A few reminders:

-Tuesday Oct. 31 – students are welcome to wear a costume to school. Please wear comfortable clothing underneath the costume so they can change independently when they want to remove their costume.

-Parents are welcome to watch our Halloween parade from the undercover area around 9am.

-Please do not send treats or goodie bags for Halloween.


Have lovely weekend!

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