Weekly update Oct. 23 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Oct. 23

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Hello families,

I hope you enjoyed the extra day with your children on Friday.

A few things to note this week:

Pumpkin Patch on Friday Oct 27 – we are very fortunate to have a PAC sponsored pumpkin patch at our school! The students will choose a pumpkin to take home. Please send a grocery bag on Friday so they can carry their pumpkin home.

Halloween – On Oct. 31 we will be celebrating Halloween at school. Students are welcome to wear a costume to school that day. I recommend that they wear comfortable clothing underneath their costume so they can easily take off their costume when they get uncomfortable. We will begin the day with a Halloween parade around the school followed by a Halloween assembly in the gym. Please do not send treats or goodie bags to school-I will make sure they have a fun day without lots of sugary treats! I’ll save that experience for you when you take the kids trick-or-treating!


I have been fortunate to receive a donation on 400 bulbs (tulips, daffodils, etc). I would love to plant the bulbs with students in “tubs” then place them around the school in the spring when they bloom. I am wondering if any families are able to donate plastic tubs (the kind you may purchase a plant or small tree in) about 12 to 18 inches tall. I would also love donations of potting soil (maybe you have a half used bag in your garage?).

Thank you so much! Looking forward to planting with the students!

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