Weekly update: Oct. 20 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: Oct. 20

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Update October 20


This week we learned some facts about spiders and learned Raffi’s song “There’s a spider on the floor.” Our big, friendly spider interacted with the kids while we sang the song!

Earthquake Drill

Today we had our first Earthquake Drill of the schoolyear. We talked about keeping our bodies and heads protected by our desks or door fames. We counted to 60 while we waited for any trembles to finish. Then we would typically leave the school to gather on the back field.

This is a good time to talk about safe places to go in your home during an earthquake and where is a good spot to meet as a family once you evacuate your home.


We tried carrots from the “Fruit and Veggie” program today.

Gym time

In the gym we are working on ball skills like rolling, throwing, catching, and bouncing. Today we practiced throwing/catching and rolling using the volleyball nets.


With rain in the forecast (finally!), please check that your child’s raincoats and boots fit. We will be going outside in all weather including rain so please send your child to school with appropriate raingear when it is raining. When in doubt, send them in raingear anyways!

Have a lovely weekend!

Reminder that there is no school for students on Friday Oct. 21.

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