Weekly update Nov. 4 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Nov. 4

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Halloween Fun, Planting Bulbs, and Little Poppy

This week started out with a bang! Halloween parade, spider math, and Halloween stories kept us busy on Monday. Have a look at all of the fun characters that arrived at school on Monday!

Planting Bulbs

The weather cooperated on Wednesday so that we could plant bulbs in our school garden. We cannot wait to watch them bloom in the Spring! Thank you to “Bulbs 4 Kids” for the generous bulb donation.

Remembrance Day Assembly

We will be reciting the poem “Little Poppy” at our school’s Remembrance Day assembly on Thursday. The children were introduced to the poem today but please encourage them to practice it and memorize it at home.

I am requesting that our students wear black and white for the assembly so that our red poppies stand out against our clothing when we are at the front of the gym. Please do not buy any clothing. If  your child does not have black and white clothing do not worry. Dark or light colours will also be fine.

Dates to remember:

Friday Nov. 11 – Remembrance Day – School is closed

Friday Nov. 18 – photo retakes for students that were absent or want to take a new photo

Wednesday Nov. 23 – families are invited to watch our class perform a Reader’s Theatre at 2:45

Friday Nov. 25 – Pro-D Day. No school for students.


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