Weekly update Nov. 3 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Nov. 3

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Halloween fun and outdoor activities

This week started with lots of excitement surrounding Halloween!

The students had a wonderful time dressing up in their costumes, marching in the parade, and participating in the Halloween assembly.

Alphabet Exchange

As part of our alphabet exchange, we prepared our letter Z’s and mailed them to 25 other schools in British Columbia. Everyone was excited to drop the letters into the mailbox! We have received 3 letters so far and cannot wait until more arrive in our school’s mailbox!

Garden time

We have been learning about the pumpkin life cycle. We collected all of the extra pumpkins in our school and placed them into our garden bed. We will be watching the pumpkins decompose over the course of the next few months, learn about composting, and observe this process as an important part of the life cycle. Perhaps we will even notice new pumpkin plants growing in the spring!

We also planted some bulbs today so we will have some beautiful flowers to enjoy in the Spring. Thank you to Amara’s family for the soil donation. Thank you to Bulbs 4 Kids for the bulb donation.

Playtime photo – check out the cool zoo!

Dates to remember:

Wednesday Nov. 8 – Photo retakes for students who were absent on photo day or who wish to have a new photo taken

Monday Nov. 13 – School closed to observe Remembrance Day

Friday Nov. 24 – Pro- D Day – School closed for students

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