Weekly update Nov. 24 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Nov. 24

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Colours everywhere!

Our exploration of colour and colour mixing continued this week using stories such as Mouse Paint, Mix it up, and Rabbit’s Colour Book as springboards for our activities.

We were busy mixing colours to make colour wheels and learn about primary and secondary colours.

Our colour collages are looking great! If you have any scraps or little objects that can be added to our collages please send them to school.

Jingle Walk

On Thursday we will be walking through the neighbourhood delivering flyers to homes to advertise our school’s donation campaign.

Please make sure your child dresses for the weather especially on Thursday.

EDI survey info

On Monday, Kindergarten students will receive a very important notice about EDI surveys. Please look for it in your child’s backpack on Monday.

Library Books– please return every WEDNESDAY in their library bag!

Grade 1 book bags – please return every MONDAY to receive new books.

Have a great week!


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