Weekly update: Nov. 18 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: Nov. 18

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Hello families,

This week we have been fortunate, once again, to have beautiful weather. November is typically a dreary and wet month so every day of sunshine is a bonus.

Thank you very much for reading your children’s planner messages every evening.

Fast words

You will find that your child is bringing 5 new fast word cards home each week. Please take a moment to practice reading these. Feel free to keep them in a special place at home or in the planner pouch for frequent review.

Home reading

Next Monday your child will be bringing home a bag of books that are suitable for their reading level. Please take time throughout the week to read and reread these books together. Through continued practice we will see their reading fluency flourish. The book bags should be returned every Monday in order to receive new books.

Burnaby Public Librarian Visit

Alex, the children’s librarian, from Tommy Douglas library visited our classroom today. Each student is bringing home a landyard to carry their library card in. All of the library cards will arrive next week for those of you who filled out the application.

Jingle Walk

I am looking for 2 or 3 parent volunteers to accompany us on our annual Jingle Walk on Thursday Nov. 24 from 11am to 12pm. If you are able to volunteer for this time, please email me directly at jennifer.capitanio@burnabyschools.ca

We will be walking along Brantford Ave. to hand out flyers to advertise that we are collecting toys and food items for families in need.


Pro-D Day on Friday Nov. 25

Have a lovely weekend!

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