Weekly update Nov. 17 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Nov. 17

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Our week at school


Thank you to the PAC for providing us with the supplies to make our own diyas and learn more about the holiday called Diwali!


For the next few weeks, many of our lessons will involve exploration of colours. Many of my favourite stories like Pete the Cat, Mix it up, and Mouse Paint will provide us with a stepping off point for learning.

Check out our “Pete the Cat” creations where we learned about speech bubbles.

Colour Collages

Over the next 2 weeks we will be collecting items that we can glue onto our group colour collages.  Please help your child look for scrap papers, food wrappers, and other miscellaneous items that we can sort based on colour. These items will not be returned as they will be glued onto collages. For example, a purple milk cap or a red kit kat wrapper. Your child can bring these any day over the next 2 weeks.

Jingle Bell Walk

On Nov. 30, our class will be walking along Brantford St. to distribute flyers for our Jingle Bell Walk. We will be giving information to neighbourhood houses that we will be collecting food and toy donations.  I would love to ask for 2 to 3 parent volunteers to accompany us from 9am to 10am on Nov. 30.  Please email me to let me know if you can volunteer.

Holiday Concert

Our class will be participating in a concert on Tuesday Dec. 19. We will be having an afternoon and evening concert.  More information about tickets will be sent from the office.  Save the date!

Our class will be singing “Must be Santa”. I am sure the class will love to sing for you!

Gr. 1 RAZ Kids online

Gr. 1 students will have password and website information on the inside cover of their planners. Please feel free to use this program at home for additional reading practice.

Gr. 1 Book bags

Please read these books multiple times throughout the week and RETURN on MONDAYS. I allocate time every Monday to select new books for the students. On average I am only receiving 2 out of 6 book bags on Mondays! Please listen to your child read, you will be amazed at their progress!

PAC Thank you

Huge thank you to the PAC for purchasing our new favourite toy for our classroom…plus plus blocks! These are an amazing toy and I’m very appreciative to our PAC for using their funds to buy these for our classroom. Thank you!

Please note that Friday Nov. 24 is a Pro-D Day. School is closed for students.

Have a lovely weekend!


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