Weekly update Nov. 13 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Nov. 13

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I am hoping everyone is enjoying these brisk autumn days.

Today we enjoyed a presentation from Earth Rangers. Ask your child all about the interesting animals that we learned about via zoom!

By now, all of you should have access to three online learning sites: Mathletics, Raz Kids, and Epic. It has been wonderful to see so many students accessing them and practicing their skills from home. Normally, I advocate for limited screen time for young children, but because we should reduce the number of resources that go back and forth from home to school, I have opted to use these sites this year. If you would prefer to receive paper books for your child to read at home, please let me know as I have a full set of early reader books that I typically send home. I am more than happy to arrange for paper books to go home.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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