Weekly update May 5 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update May 5

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Geometric Solids, Butterfly Life Cycle, and Bike Safety


We have started exploring with geometric solids (3 dimensional objects). Students have been learning the names of the shapes and comparing the number of faces, edges, and vertices. The students brought home a little book that they can share with you about 3D Shapes.

Butterfly Life Cycle

As we wait for the arrival of our caterpillars next week, we have been leanring about the stages of the life cycle. The students should know the following vocabulary: chrysalis, molting, probiscus, metamorphosis.

Here is a song we have been learning this week (to the tune of Itsy Bitsy Spider):

Bike Safety

Constable Fraser and Constable Wong visited our school today to teach us about bike safety. Ask you child more about the presentation.

Have a lovely weekend!

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