Weekly update May 31 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update May 31

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June Events, Ladybugs, and math games!

Our mystery larvae are ladybugs! Unfortunately many of them escaped from their enclosure but we enjoyed watching the remaining few ladybugs fly away this week.

Math games

We have been playing “war” with playing cards this week. We also learned how to play snakes and ladders. I really encourage families to play a game this weekend if you have time. The kids absolutely loved learning how to play games and they learn so many skills while playing.

June is a very busy month!

The June calendar will be sent out next week but please make a note of the following dates:

Thursday June 6 – early dismissal at 1:55

Friday June 7 – Pro-D Day, no school for students

Friday June 14 – Sports Day – dismissal at 1pm (see more info below)

Friday June 21 – **tentative** – walking field trip to Spray Park. If weather allows, we will walk to Rene Memorial Spray Park at 11am, have a pizza lunch (thanks to the PAC) and return by 2:55. WE WILL NEED THE HELP OF A FEW PARENTS SO IF YOU ARE ABLE TO VOLUNTEER TO WALK WITH US AND HELP SUPERVISE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. If your child is ordering hot lunch for that day, we will send it home at the end of the day.

Thursday June 27 – last day of school, students dismissed at 10am.

Sports Day

Sports Day will be on Friday June 14. Sports Day is a fun yet busy day for the younger students where they will participate in activities with students from the whole school. Dismissal will be at 1pm. Every student will be a part of a colour team. Students are encouraged to wear clothing that is the same colour as their house team. This year’s theme is “Space” and the colour names are a blend of 2 colours.

Blurple (Blue and purple) – Sofia, Silas, Vihana, Niko

Rorange (red and orange) – Leonardo, Niharika, Jaydon

Grack (green and black) – Jessica, Evie, Amara, Kaiya, Aidan, Titus, Lucas

Wellow (white and yellow) – Kien, Olivia, Leo


Enjoy the weekend!




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