Weekly update May 27 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update May 27

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The focus of many of our lessons this week involved exploring rocks.

We read “Everybody Needs a Rock” at outdoor learning. Everyone found a special rock and observed their rock’s features closely. We then placed all the rocks in a pile and everyone was able to remember which rock belonged to them!


We then read the story “ishi” and turned our special rocks into “ishi” rocks.

Young actor’s Project

We finished up our Young Actor’s lessons today. The class really enjoyed these learning activities. Thank you Savannah!

Grade 1 “Making Words” homework

Beginning today, the Gr. 1s planner message gives them instructions to make as many words as possible out of a given word. This weekend the word is “triangle”. Please encourage your child to make new words out of these letters. For example, we can make “get”, “rat”, and “line” out of the letters in “triangle”. How many can you make?


Have a lovely weekend!

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