Weekly update May 20 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update May 20

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Hexagons and Young Actor’s Project

We have been very busy learning all about hexagons and other shapes that can create a hexagon. The students have been exploring and creating hexagons with “pattern blocks” all week.

Exploring with Hexagons

Pattern block creations

Check out our amazing hexagon cell structures just like bees make in their hive! We worked together just like bees to make these structures strong and tall.

Young Actors Project

Thank you to the PAC for funding the Young Actors Project in our classrooms!

Savannah visited us today (first of three visits) to guide us through so many fun and imaginative activities! We learned to communicate without using our voices, pretend to be different animals, and become people in different situations.  Looking forward to our upcoming visits with Savannah!

Filling our Buckets

Ask your child to explain what the term,” Filling your bucket” means!

A reminder that there is no school on Monday!!!

Have a lovely (and finally sunny) weekend!

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