Weekly update May 13 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update May 13

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Gardening, Bees and more

Fortunately, the weather cooperated for outdoor learning on Wednesday. We were able to get into our garden and plant our bean plants. We also had a chance to look closer at the daffodils and tulips that we planted in November.


We are continuing to learn about bees. Your child should be able to tell you many facts about bees.

Now we must wait patiently for the weather to improve so we can place the bee cocoons outside to hatch.


One of my favourite things to do lately is play “Wordle” with my own children. I introduced the game to our class during snack time this week. Some of the kids definitely understand the concept. Unfortunately, the mystery word was SLUNG which was not the easiest word to figure out.


The Grade One students are improving their reading skills every week. Thank you so much for continuing the home reading program.

Now the Kindergarten students meet with me in small reading groups. They are so excited to be “reading” books too! I will be sending weekly books home for the K students to read to you. You can keep them at home to re-read.

…and, as always, lots of fun and teamwork through play this week!!

Sports Day

As we return to somewhat “normal” school activities, we will be having “Sports Day” on Friday June 10. There will be an early dismissal around 1pm. I will be sending home more information closer to the date but I just wanted to let you know because parents will be welcome to observe on the school grounds outside. Most events will be happening outside. Each child will be allocated to a team and will be encouraged to wear clothing of that colour. I’ll keep you posted!

Have a great weekend!

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