Weekly update May 12 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update May 12

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Our caterpillars arrived!

Our tiny caterpillars arrived earlier this week. We have enjoyed watching them grow every day. Only a few more days until they turn into chrysalises!

Hungry Caterpillars

We created caterpillars in the style of Eric Carle from his book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”.


Outdoor Learning

We went to the park for “Outdoor Learning” today. The class was amazing at listening and being safe at the park. We read the story “Not a Stick” and used our imaginations to think of different ways that sticks can be used.

Now that the weather will be improving please sned your child with a hat and appropriate clothing to enjoy the outdoors. Many kids were wearing sweatshirts and sweaters today-they seemed to hot to enjoy the outdoors.


For our P.E. lessons this week, we have been learning how to use a badminton raquet and birdie. If you have this equipment at home, it would be great to practice at home too!


Story Workshop

The students did an amazing job writing butterfly stories this week.  Keep up the great writing!

Special Helper book

For our next round of special helper, the students will share their special talent. Thh talent can be as simple as telling a joke or doing a cartwheel. They will write about their talent in a special book the night before it is their turn to share.


Happy Mother’s Day!

Reminder that Monday May 22 is a holiday so school will be closed.

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