Weekly update May 10 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update May 10

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Beautiful Days!

My apologies that I did not get to post a blog entry last week, but I have lots of news for our update this week!

Litter Pick up Crew

The Gr. 6/7s taught us about keeping the Earth clean during Earth Week. This week we had the opportunity to use “litter picker uppers” to collect garbage from the school ground. In only 15 minutes we collected all of this garbage!

Earthquake Drill

Today we had a full earthquake/evacuation drill in the afternoon. Our class was incredibly patient as we worked through the process and practiced what would happen in case of an actual earthquake! Way to go Div. 14!


We received some mystery insect larvae yesterday! We are excited to find out what insect they will grow into! Stay posted for updates!

Canucks Day

On Tuesday May 14, we will cheer on our Vancouver Canucks with a spirit day. Everyone is welcome to wear Canucks colours of green and blue!

Label fundraiser

Brantford PAC has a fundraiser with Oliver’s labels that is ongoing every year. If you would like to order name labels for your children’s items, here is the link http://www.oliverslabels.com/Brantford


Happy Mother’s Day to all of the wonderful female caregivers of our class! I hope your family spoils you!

Have a lovely weekend!



With the warmer weather, please e

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