Weekly update: March 4 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: March 4

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Spring is in the air! It has been so lovely to enjoy the warmer days and begin to observe the first signs of spring.

We have been busy this week continuing to discuss our theme of families and learn more about the science of rainbows.


For the month of February we have had the opportunity to explore the gymnastics equipment. I tried to capture one photo of every students but unfortuantely some students were absent that day. Here are some photos of the kids climbing, jumping, balancing, and hanging.

Making Rainbows

We were fortuante to have a glimpse of sunshine today so we could make rainbows using glass prisms!

Math games

We have been reinforcing addition (even 3 digit addition) and number recognition by learning new dice games. Lots of fun this week!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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