Weekly update March 11 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update March 11

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Happy Spring Break!

It hardly feels like “spring” with snow flurries this morning, but I think everyone is ready for the “break”.

The class has continued to grow and develop together as a team this term. You should all be so proud of the awesome little people that you are raising. As their teacher, I absolutely love being a part of their progress and development!

Pow Wow Dancing

We had the opportunity to join an online lesson about Pow wow dancing. The lesson was quite detailed and long but the class was patient and persevered.

Card Games

The students learned the card game “war”. If you have some time over the break and a deck of cards, ask them to teach you how to play it.  “War” reinforces the math concepts of greater than, less than, and equal to. We also had a great discussion about winning/losing and being a good sport.

A few reminders:

-school reopens on Monday March 28

-please return your child’s report card envelope after the break if you did not send it today.

Wishing you a wonderful break!

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