Weekly update: March 10 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: March 10

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Happy Spring Break!



During the month of March, we are lucky to have the gymnastics equipment during our gym periods. The students have worked on using their strength and balance to maneuver the equipment.


Potato Planting

Our seed potatoes are planted and ready to grow. We cannot wait to see what happens during Spring Break!


We learned how to organize information into bar graphs and venn diagrams.

Sorting animals based on their habitat

Comparing objects: Does it roll, stack or do both?

Literacy Week / Book Swap

During the week of April 3 to 6 we will be celebrating “literacy week”. One of the events during this week will be a “Book Swap”. Over Spring Break, please have a look for books that your family is willing to donate to the book swap. The books will be displayed and students can then choose “new” books to take home when they have donated books that they no longer read at home.

Report Card Envelopes

Please sign and return report card envelopes as soon as you can after Spring Break. You can keep all the papers inside. I only require the envelope for next term’s report card.

Spring Break Memory

When school re-opens on Monday March 27, we will be sharing a “memory” from Spring Break. Please help your child come up with ideas that they can use as a “memory”. Examples could include playing at a playground with a special friends, getting a new toy, going to a special place like the aquarium or Science World, visiting a beach, going to a movie, visiting a relative, or eating at a restaurant.

Dates to remember:

Monday March 27 – school re-opens after the break

Wednesday March 29 – Class Photos

Friday April 7 – School Closed for Good Friday

Monday April 10 – School Closed for Easter Monday

Monday April 24 – School CLsoed for students – Pro-D Day

Wednesday April 26 – Early dismissal at 1:55, Student Led Conferences 2 – 5pm


I hope you all have a lovely Spring Break with your families!

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