Weekly update: June 2 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: June 2

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It’s June!

My apologies for not posting an update last week. I will fill you in on all the details for the past 2 weeks in this post.

You will probably hear from your child that we have been having some exciting “plumbing” issues in our classroom. It seems the pipes are backing up so we spent part of the morning in another classroom so that the plumbers could fix the issue in our classroom today. Phew-glad that’s fixed!

Bridge Building

We were fortuante to have a lesson from Mr. Carinha (a previous Brantford parent) who introduced “bridge design” to us today. Over the next few weeks, we will work on building a popsicle bridge and then test it’s strength on June 26! Here is a photo of 2 volunteers testing strength of a beam bridge.

Sierra Club Visit

Last week, Melissa from Sierra Club visited us to talk about life cycles and place based learning. We released our butterflies that day too! What an amazing moment it was to watch our butterflies fly away. The students were so excited to see that our little caterpillars had moved through their stages to become actual butterflies!

Sports Day on June 16

Sports Day will be on Friday June 16. Your child will be able to tell you what colour house they belong to. They are encouraged to wear clothing of their house colour. Dismissal will be around 1pm on that day. Parents are welcome to watch the events on the back field.

Pro-D Day on Jun 5

There will be no school for students on Monday June 5.


Have a beautiful weekend!

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