Weekly update June 2 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update June 2

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Hello everyone!

I will be away tomorrow so I am sending the weekly blog update today.

Sports Day – Friday June 10

By now, I believe that you have received an email from Ms. Aujla regarding Sports Day.

Your child is welcome to wear coloured clothing to represent their TEAM. See picture for your child’s colour. Please do not buy clothing, just borrow from friends or family.

-there will be early dismissal at 1:00/1:15 from our classroom

-lunches can be preordered online for Sports Day

-parents are welcome to watch the outdoor events behind the school but indoor events will not be open for parents

Outdoor Learning – Drilling holes for bees and potato printmaking

Bees have hatched!

We placed some of our bee cocoons outside.



You will notice the holes where the bees emerged! So exciting!

Reminder – No School on Monday for Pro-D.


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