Weekly update: January 20 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: January 20

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Reading, making stories, and Lunar New Year!

The students’ reading skills are developing with every week that passes.  Thank you for reading with your child at home. I am definitely seeing the results. More reading and repetition increases fluency.

One of the most profound statistics in support of reading with children at home is from a 2019 study from Ohio State University. “Kids who are read even one book a day will hear about 290,000 more words by age 5 than those who don’t regularly read books with a parent or caregiver.” Imagine the vocabulary and letter knowledge a child that is read to has by the time they arrive at Gr. 1! Please continue to read and have conversations with your children.

Independent reading

Here we are working on “independent reading”. They are encouraged to “read the pictures” and “read the words you know”. These are their book boxes. They change their books every week.

Rolling and Ramps

I was lucky to borrow these cool ramps and wooden balls from our District LEarning Library. The kids are having so much fun creating ramps and courses for the balls.

Story Workshop

In story workshop, the students create a “story” with loose parts (small objects that can be used for open ended purposes). They are then encouraged to document their story through words and pictures.

Gung Hay Fat Choy to all the families who will be celebrating Lunar and Chinese New Year this weekend.

We learned a lot through stories and videos this week. Check out our cool dragon dancing down the hallway!

Gung Hay Fat Choy!


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