Weekly update Jan. 26 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Jan. 26

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Literacy Week!

We had a great time this week celebrating all things about books! Cozy reading, book swap, wearing words, teacher reading swap, fun activity with Mrs. Dias…lots of ways to show how words are all around us!

Click on “The Mitten” link below to watch our “high quality” production of a fun story. The ending was cut off but I think you get a good taste of the fun we had making the video. It may take a few seconds to load the video.

The Mitten Re-enactment


Kindergarten – Students are bringing home their “Alphabet Rap” book. Please read this over and over with your child so they can review letter sounds. I highly recommend keeping it in a safe place so you can read it often.

Grade 1s– Please keep up with your home reading book bags. I’m seeing amazing progress so keep up with the home reading!

Skating on Wednesday

Our class will be skating at 11am on Wednesday. We will be leaving the school at 10:30. Please return the pink permission form on Monday if you have not already done so.  So far I have 3 volunteers and can offer them a place on the school bus. If anyone else would like to join us to help tie skates, I will need you to drive yourself to the ice rink.

Please ensure students are prepared for skating on Wednesday by brining: winter coat, snowpants, mittens, helmet (if they have one), and skates (if they own their own skates). PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME.

The rink will provide helmets and skates for all students who are not bringing their own.

Reminder; If I do not have a family photo please email me one as soon as possible. I can print it at school for you. We will use these photos for a variety of activities in February. 

Looking forward to another fun week ahead!

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