Weekly update: Jan. 13 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: Jan. 13

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Skating and a bus ride!

I am VERY proud of the students for showing determination and perseverance while skating today! They were patient (waiting in a long line to get rentals), enthusiatic, and encouraging to their peers! I missed getting a photo of everyone on their skates but here are some photos for you to enjoy!

I am sure they will sleep well tonight!

Report Cards

Report cards went home yesterday. Please keep all the papers from inside the envelope then return the envelope to school so we can reuse it for Term 2 Report Cards.  Please reach out to me if you would like to meet to discuss their progress further.

Home reading bags – return on Monday please!

Extra clothing to keep at school – please ensure that any extra clothes that go home make their way back to school so we always have a set of dry clothing available.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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