Weekly update for Oct. 16 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update for Oct. 16

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Hello families!

This week we learned how to make “orange”. We mixed our own shades of orange and created these amazing jack-o-lanterns!

Here is our weekly poem titled “Bats, Bats, Bats”. Ask your child to read it to you!

Epic Books

By now, you should have received an email inviting you to sign up for epic books online. I encourage you to sign up to receive an additional 2 hours of access each week. Epic offers quality stories and grade level appropriate reading material. I have assigned students books that I think they will enjoy reading. You will see the books that I have assigned by clicking on one of the headings in the top right corner.

Dress for the weather

Thank you for sending your children prepared for the weather. As the weather becomes colder and wet, please continue to have your child wear rainboots and rain jackets to school. When students need to change into their extra clothing when they get wet, it takes away from our classtime. Please also make sure you replenish your child’s extra clothing to keep at school.

Dates to remember:

Friday Oct. 23 – Pro-D Day. No school for students

Friday Oct. 30 – Halloween celebration in class. Students are welcome to wear a costume to school (no scary masks or weapons permitted). Please send a change of clothes for students to change into if they do not want to wear their costume all day. If possible, sending your child with comfortable clothing under their costume is optimal.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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