Weekly update February 23 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update February 23

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100 days of school!

It’s hard to believe that we have been at school for 100 days this year! We have been keeping track of the days by adding a stick everyday and bundling groups of 10. We have been practicing counting to 100 by 10s, and 5s. Ask your child to sing the skip counting song to you.

Here are our cool collections of 100 things!

and we completed a 100 piece puzzle!

Will Stroet and Skeena Performance

We were fortunate to have an awesome performance by this wonderful duo yesterday.

You can find more of their songs online.

Friends for Foxy

We really enjoy reading “Foxy and Friends” books. Last week, each student made a plan for a new character in the Foxy books. We then created the new animal friends using plasticine. Our plans and characters are on display in the hallway display case.

Gr. 1 Book Bags and RAZ Kids

Parents, please encourage your child to practice reading every day! The home reading books can be re-read many times throughout the week to reinforce reading skills. They can also practice on the raz kids app. The more we read, the better readers we become!!!

Pink Shirt Day

Wednesday Feb. 28 is Pink Shirt Day. Students are encouraged to wear pink in support of friendship and anti-bullying. We will have many lessons next week about being kind friends and problem solving.

Cold and Cough Season

We have many students away every day due to colds and coughs. Thank you for keeping your child at home until they are well enough to return to school. I am encouraging anyone who is coughing a lot at school to wear a mask and I’m encouraging more hand washing. I hope we are able to curb this never-ending cold/cough!

Have a lovely wekend!

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