Weekly update: February 10 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: February 10

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February is a busy month!

I hope that you have had a chance to read the letter that I sent home last week on the reverse of the February calendar. Key points from that letter include:

Tuesday February 14 – Valentine’s Day – students are welcome to give Valentine cards to their classmates. We will distribute the cards in the morning and open them later in the afternoon. I encourage all students to write the names of their friends independently. Treats/goodies are not necessary to hand out to classmates. There will also be a PAC Bake Sale so students can bring $1 or $2 to buy a snack that day.

Friday February 17 – 100th Day of School – students are welcome to bring a collection on 100 small items in a bag on Friday. We will be glueing these items so please do not send items that you want returned. Suggested items include: stickers, cheerios, pasta, paperclips, buttons, etc.

-Monday – February 20 – Family Day – School closed

-Wednesday February 22 – Students are welcome to wear pink for Pink Shirt Day

-Friday February 24 – School Closed for students. District pro d day. I will be at Burnaby Mountain Secondary attending a “Mind-up” workshop to further my learning around social/emotional learning.

What have we been working on in class?

We have been learning about the artist “Kandinsky” while focusing on colour and line.

Place value in math. We have been building numbers using 10s and 1s.

Weaving heart mailboxes for our Valentine cards.

Writing stories about our stuffies during “story workshop” today.

Where do we live? Students have brought home this booklet to complete this weekend. Please encourage your child to learn their address as very few children were able to complete the page for their address.

Home reading books

Please read and re-read the home reading books. Then return the books every Monday. I allocate time every Monday to exchange the books.

Have a beautiful weekend!

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