Weekly update Feb. 9 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Feb. 9

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Gung Hay Fat Choy!

The Kindergarten students made a pattern dragon for Lunar New Year!

We all enjoyed the glass fusing workshop where we used small pieces of glass to create our first initial. I will be picking these creations up next week after they have been heated in the glass kiln. Thank you to the PAC for funding this experience for us. Thank you to Debbie Hungle, the glass artist that facilitated this workshop.

The following information was sent home on a purple notice earlier this week:

Division 14 is getting excited about some special days that we will be celebrating in February.

On Wednesday Feb. 14, we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day.  Students may wish to distribute Valentine cards to their classmates.  If your child chooses to do so, please ensure that there is a valentine card for every class member.  Valentine cards can be homemade or store bought.  I am including a list of classmates’ names to help your child with printing their friends’ names.  We will be making mailboxes in class for the students to put cards into. **It is not necessary to include little toys are treats with the Valentine cards.

Our “100th Day of School” will be celebrated on Wednesday, Feb. 21.  Each student is encouraged to bring 100 small items in a bag or container for various classroom activities.  Examples of 100 items are 100 pieces of pasta, cereal (cheerios), paperclips, stickers, dried beans, or any other small inexpensive item.  Please encourage your child to count 100 of these items. Counting 10 groups of 10 is a great way to count to 100.

On Wednesday Feb. 28, our school will be encouraging students to wear pink shirts for “Pink Shirt Day.” Pink shirt day is a day when we remember to be a kind friend and to stop “bullying” when we see it happening.  Your child is welcome to wear a pink shirt or other pink clothing item.  Please do not feel that you need to buy pink clothing specifically for this occasion as we will have extra items that the students can borrow to wear.

Division 14 Names for Valentine Cards

Aiden                         Amara                        Elvin                Evie

Jaydon                       Jessica                       Kaiya              Kien

Leo (Gr. 1)                  Leo G. (K)                   Lucas              Niharika

Niko                            Olivia                          Silas                 Sofia

Titus                             Vihana


Friday Feb. 16 is a pro d day so school is closed.

Monday Feb. 19 is Family Day so schools will be closed.

Please look for “Family Day” homework that will be sent home next week.


Gung Hay Fat Choy to everyone that will be celebrating this weekend!

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