Weekly update Dec. 1 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Dec. 1

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Wow! How can it be December already? The first term of school has flown by so quickly!

This is the time of the year when we see so much growth in all areas. I am definitely seeing growth in social skills, literacy skills, and math too! Amazing progress everyone!

Gingerbread Bakery

Our house area has been converted into a Gingerbread bakery while we learn all about the gingerbread man stories.

Adventures of Gingerbread Man

Throughout the month of December, the special helper will bring home the gingerbread man bag. They are invited to draw and write about gingerbread man’s visit at your home. Be on the look out for your turn! Olivia is the first to take him home this weekend!

Jingle Bell Walk

We lucked out with beautiful weather on Thursday for our annual jingle bell walk. The kids were so excited to share who lived in all the houses that we delivered our flyers to.

Glass Jar Request

Over the next 2 weeks, I will be collecting clean, label free jars for an upcoming project. If you have any to contribute I would be very grateful. Any size from 500ml to 750 ml will be great!

Hopefully everyone received the new December calendar yesterday!

Have a lovely weekend!

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