Weekly update April 29 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update April 29

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Bees, beebots and Student Led Conferences

We had the pleasure of a visit from Winston the Beekeeper this week! What a wonderful way to kick off learning all about bees. We are especially excited to watch our mason bee cocoons hatch as soon as the weather is warm enough.


We had a lot of fun learning how to tell our beebots what to do (coding and sequencing). It was a great lesson in learning that robots will only do what we program them to do.

Student Led Conferences

Your child brought home their Learning Portfolio today. Please read the purple paper inside the folder. I suggest setting aside about 20 to 30 minutes this weekend to have your child show you all of their learning. As noted on the purple paper, please return their Poetry/Songbook, journal, and completed purple paper on Monday, May 2. You may keep the rest of the work at home.

Have a lovely weekend!


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