Weekly update: April 22
Earth Day!
We spent time today thinking of the ways we are grateful for the Earth.
Check out this beautiful story titled “Thank you Earth.”
Click on the hyperlink to watch the story.
We wrote promises to the Earth to describe ways we will take care of and protect Earth.
Our plants are growing
Celery Experiment
We observed the way that coloured water travels through the celery stalk to reach the leaves.
Outdoor Learning
Being present in nature provided us with many ideas for our discussion about ways we can take care of the Earth. Thank you Anita for the photos!
Measurement in Math
A lesson about longer vs shorter turned into such an awesome collaborative project. Everyone worked together to try to make the longest cube train possible! This class really knows how to work so well together!
Have a lovely weekend!
Reminder that there is no school for students on Monday as it is a Pro-D Day.