Weekly update April 19
Spring, Shapes, and Student Led Conferences
We have enjoyed a beautiful week with lots of outside time and opportunities to observe the gorgeous flowers that are blossoming around us.
At the art table this week, students sketched cherry blossoms then painted them. Now we have a beautiful blossoming tree in our classroom.
The Kindergarten students have been learning about measurement for the past few weeks. We will now explore shapes during our Kindergarten math lessons.
Today the students played with shapes at various centre activities.
Student Led Conferences
Thank you for returning your purple papers to confirm a time for your visit to our classroom on May 1.
The groups will be as follows:
2:00 – 2:30 – Jessica, Niko, Kien, Aiden, Niharika, Olivia, Elvin, Amara, Lucas
5:00 – 5:30 – Kaiya, Leo G., Jaydon, Sofia, Evie, Vihana
Class Photos
We will have class photos taken on April 26 (next Friday).
Have a lovely weekend!