Weekly update April 16 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update April 16

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Happy Spring everyone! The sunshine this week has allowed us to get outside as much as possible.

The students have probably mentioned that we go outside for our Morning Exercise Circuit EVERY DAY. It has been a great way to wake up our bodies to be ready for learning at school.

Here are some pictures of us doing our math lesson outside:

Our daffodils have fully bloomed! Have a look at the students’ gorgeous “Still life” drawings of our daffodils!

**The students brought home an incomplete assignment titled “The Six Senses of Spring”. If you want to complete it at home, please do so. It is not mandatory to complete it.

Please return your child’s report card envelope (see picture) if you have not already done so. You can keep all the papers inside, I just need the envelope for the final report.


Please make a note that Monday April 26 is a pro-d day. School will be closed for students.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!


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