Weekly News Jan. 20 to 24 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly News Jan. 20 to 24

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I hope you had a lovely weekend! 

Monday – dismissal at 2:00

Tuesday – please return library books for tomorrow

Wednesday- We are fortunate to have an in-class workshop from the Burnaby Art Gallery. We will focus on creating a 3D community. The PAC is very generously supplying the funds for the opportunity. Thank you PAC!


Please continue reading the RED folder books with your child as often as you can. The students are working so hard on building their reading skills and we are so proud of their determination. 

At this point in Grade 1, we are working on memorizing basic math facts up to 10 (ie, 3+7=10, 4+6=10). If you have time to practice with your child that would be wonderful. 

We will be introducing the concept of subtraction this week so understanding basic addition facts will help the students with subtraction as well.

Have a great week!



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