“Read to Someone” photos – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

“Read to Someone” photos

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I am sure you have heard your child mention “Daily 5” and you may be wondering what exactly they are talking about. Here is some more information for you.

What is Daily 5?

It is a literacy structure that allows for differentiation (students working at their own level) while maintaining consistency in the classroom. It is a system of 5 literacy tasks that teaches students independence and self-regulation.

  1. READ TO SELF: When students reads to themselves, they are choosing leveled books from their “book holders”. They are taught to read by looking at the pictures, re-telling the story, or looking at the words.
  2. READ TO SOMEONE: When students read to a buddy, they are practicing their reading skills orally and are working on connecting, predicting, and listening.
  3. LISTENING TO READING: The students will soon begin to listen to reading on CD’s while they follow along with a corresponding book.
  4. WORD WORK: the students will work in class on activities that correspond to a list of sight words that are introduced at school. 
  5. WORKING ON WRITING: The students will be given prompts and tools to work in their journals and explore other forms of writing.

This week, READ TO SOMEONE was introduced. I hope you enjoy looking at the photos of everyone engaged in reading to a buddy. For our first session, they were on task for 15 minutes!!! Please also see the poem we say to remember how we sit during “Read to Someone”.


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