Stream of Dreams and Halloween Fun
Our week started with a wonderful program called “Stream of Dreams”. The students particiapted in lessons about the importance of salmon in our local ecosystem and how we can help to maintain a healthy environment for the salmon. After the lesson, we all had the opportunity to paint a beautiful salmon for our school fence to serve as a reminder to treat our streams respectfully.
Pumpkin Math
We had fun estimating, sorting, and counting with pumpkin seeds from our pumpkin. We practiced counting by 10s to make groups of 100. Awesome lesson in place value!
Pumpkin Patch
Thanks to our amazing PAC, we had so much fun at the pumpkin patch today! The weather was perfect for selecting a pumpkin and having a special hot chocolate treat! Thank you to Save On for the pumpkin donations and Tim Hortons for the hot chocolate!
Your child will be bringing home their own pumpkin. If you would like to participate in the pumpkin carving contest see the poster below.
Halloween on Monday
Students are welcome to come to school wearing their costume. I recommend wearing some comfortable clothing under the costume so they can take off their costume independently later in the day. Please send an extra bag to put their costume into.
We will participate in a school parade and have a Halloween assembly in the morning.
Please do not send treats to school on Monday as I am sure they will collect lots of treats on Monday evening!
Wish me luck-wink wink!
Happy Halloween from these spooky skeletons!