Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio – Page 6 – Brantford Elementary, Burnaby B.C.

Weekly update Sept. 29

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Getting into the swing of things!

We are settling into school routines very well. Fortunately, the weather has allowed us to get outside for fresh air playtime every day. Thank you very much for sending the students prepared for the weather. Just a reminder that if your child comes home wearing their “extra clothing” please replace the extra clothing at school asap. Also, please tell your child to take their extra clothing bag out of their backpack to put into their cubby.


Every Wednesday, we will visit Mrs. Dias in the school library. The students get to choose 2 books to take home for one week. Please return these book IN THE PLASTIC LIBRARY BAG to school every WEDNESDAY so they can check out 2 new books. These books are for you to read to your child and share together.


We continue to explore alphabet and letter sounds through a variety of stories. Our favourite story this week was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. We had lots of fun sorting letters, counting letters in our names, and making coconut trees with our names like the story.

Orange Shirt Day

We participated in Orange Shirt Day on Thursday. I read a story to the class to introduce the origin of “orange shirt day”. I hope you can continue the discussions at home about the significance of orange shirt day.

The students created orange hands filled with drawings of reasons that they are special. Check out our group collage in the photo below.

Morning Choice and Exploration

You may hear your child use the terms “morning choice” or “exploration”. Morning choice is a time when students can choose an activity when they arrive at school every morning. There will often be literacy activities on tables for them to try. This gives them a time to reconnect with their peers and a chance for me to check in with them.

Exploration is a longer play time every afternoon when the kids can engage in a variety of activities like art, “making table”, kinetic sand, dramatic play, building tubs, puzzles, dollhouse, and many more.

I hope you are able to enjoy the extra time with your family this weekend. Please note that school will be closed on Monday to honour National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Weekly update September 22

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Hello everyone!

I am hoping that every family will receive this update. Please email me with a quick “got it!” to let me know you were able to access this blog update. Simply reply to the email you received or email at jennifer.capitanio@burnabyschools.ca

We had a very busy week. Here are some photos to show you all the learning that has happened.

Weekly Poem/Song

Every week a new poem or song is introduced. We read/sing it many times throughout the week. This week we learned our classmates’ names by singing “Higgelty Piggelty”.

Math Exploration

Many of our math lessons so far have involved playing with numbers and patterns. Beginning next week, the Kindergarten students will join Ms. Grippo’s class for K math lessons every day. Her Gr. 1s will join our Gr. 1 students in my room for Gr. 1 math.

Hands-on Learning

We will be using playdough for many learning opportunities. Today we were counting how many little balls of playdough we cn make and we made the letters in our name.

Letters of the Week

This week we focused on M and S for our activities. The Gr. 1 lessons involve listening for the sounds at the beginning and end of words and correct letter formation in printing books. The K lessons involve more of learning the letter sounds with some whiteboard printing.

Terry Fox Run

Everyone enjoyed running like Terry today. Here we are stretching pre-run with our race #s on.

Gr. 1 Intake Conferences

I sent home a notice confirming your meeting time with me for Tuesday. Please email me if you did not receive it.

Friendship List

I will be creating a list of student names with parent emails so you can connect for playdates, etc. Please let me know if you do NOT want to be included in this list. I hope to have it completed next week.

Important dates to remember:

-Tuesday Sept. 26 – early dismissal at 1:55 for conferences, 2-5pm

-Thursday Sept 28 – Orange Shirt Day and Assembly. Students are welcome to wear  orange this day for National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

-Friday Sept 29 – Pro-D Day – no school for students

-Monday Oct 2 – School closed for National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

-Monday Oct 9 – School closed for Thanksgiving.


Have a lovely weekend!


Welcome to our blog! 2023-24

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Hello families!

Thank you for visiting the blog. Please remember to subscribe by entering your email address.

I will update the blog every Friday with some classroom photos from the past week. You may wish to bookmark this site so you can access it at any time.

Here are a few photos from this week so you can have a peek into our classroom.

We had amazing drumming lessons with our instructor Daniel! So much fun learning about rhythm.

Getting to know each other through play.

Please complete all the forms that were sent home today and send back to school next week.

Thank you very much for all of your support as we get into our “groove” at school!

Jennifer Capitanio

Happy Summer Holidays!!!

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Dear families,

It has been an absolute pleasure to teach your children this year. Watching them emerge as readers, writers, mathematicians, and witnessing them growing into lovely humans has brought immense joy to my world this year. They are special little people that will always hold a place in my heart!

My daughter created a slideshow for the class. We watched it today but I wanted to share it with you so you can also watch it with your children at home!

Have a wonderful summer! Enjoy all of the special moments that summer allows!

xo Ms. C

PS This slideshow may require a few moments to load. Hope you enjoy it!

Weekly update June 23

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Our last Friday of the school year!

Potato Harvest

Today we harvested our potatoes. We found 79 potatoes that grew from 4 seed potatoes. They were very tiny this year so we were not able to cook them at school. Your child brought home a few potatoes to show you.

Bunny Visit

I was so excited to bring my pet rabbits to school on Thursday. The class was very excited to help build an enclosure for the rabbits and decorate it. They were very respectful and caring to the animals. They had so many interesting questions about the rabbits.

Things to remember:

Please return all book bags on Monday.

Please bring a large shopping bag on Tuesday so we can pack up all of our belongings to take home.

Thursday is the last day of school. Dismissal is at 10am.

Weekly update June 16

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Sports Day!

Thankfully the rain held off for Sports Day! The students looked like they had a great time participating in some cool activities and creative relays. I’m so proud of them for trying new things and for exhibiting great sportsmanship.

Go team!

Bunny Visit

I am hoping to bring my pet bunnies to school next week for a one day visit after we build an enclosure for them in our classroom. I want to run this idea by you first in case anyone may have allergies or other concerns. Please email me directly if you have a concern about the bunnies visiting our classroom.

Early dismissal on Monday at 12:55. Please pick up on time as we will be in administrative meetings all afternoon beginning at 1pm.

Please keep up with the home reading! I will hand out new book bags on Monday June 19 but I would like all books returned by the following Monday June 26.

Have a lovely weekend!

Weekly update: June 2

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It’s June!

My apologies for not posting an update last week. I will fill you in on all the details for the past 2 weeks in this post.

You will probably hear from your child that we have been having some exciting “plumbing” issues in our classroom. It seems the pipes are backing up so we spent part of the morning in another classroom so that the plumbers could fix the issue in our classroom today. Phew-glad that’s fixed!

Bridge Building

We were fortuante to have a lesson from Mr. Carinha (a previous Brantford parent) who introduced “bridge design” to us today. Over the next few weeks, we will work on building a popsicle bridge and then test it’s strength on June 26! Here is a photo of 2 volunteers testing strength of a beam bridge.

Sierra Club Visit

Last week, Melissa from Sierra Club visited us to talk about life cycles and place based learning. We released our butterflies that day too! What an amazing moment it was to watch our butterflies fly away. The students were so excited to see that our little caterpillars had moved through their stages to become actual butterflies!

Sports Day on June 16

Sports Day will be on Friday June 16. Your child will be able to tell you what colour house they belong to. They are encouraged to wear clothing of their house colour. Dismissal will be around 1pm on that day. Parents are welcome to watch the events on the back field.

Pro-D Day on Jun 5

There will be no school for students on Monday June 5.


Have a beautiful weekend!

Weekly update May 19

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Happy Long Weekend!

Foxy and Friends Story Workshop

The class has been very busy writing stories with the characters from the Foxy and Friends books. This week, the stories needed to include a problem and a solution. We “built” the story then wrote the story using words.

Symmety and Butterfly

We have learned all about symmetry this week and then created these beautiful “symmetrical butterflies”.

A reminder that May 22 is Victoria Day so schools will be closed.

The PAC Carnival committee could really use the support of parent volunteers so please sign up to help if you can.!

Have lovely weekend!

Weekly update May 12

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Our caterpillars arrived!

Our tiny caterpillars arrived earlier this week. We have enjoyed watching them grow every day. Only a few more days until they turn into chrysalises!

Hungry Caterpillars

We created caterpillars in the style of Eric Carle from his book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”.


Outdoor Learning

We went to the park for “Outdoor Learning” today. The class was amazing at listening and being safe at the park. We read the story “Not a Stick” and used our imaginations to think of different ways that sticks can be used.

Now that the weather will be improving please sned your child with a hat and appropriate clothing to enjoy the outdoors. Many kids were wearing sweatshirts and sweaters today-they seemed to hot to enjoy the outdoors.


For our P.E. lessons this week, we have been learning how to use a badminton raquet and birdie. If you have this equipment at home, it would be great to practice at home too!


Story Workshop

The students did an amazing job writing butterfly stories this week.  Keep up the great writing!

Special Helper book

For our next round of special helper, the students will share their special talent. Thh talent can be as simple as telling a joke or doing a cartwheel. They will write about their talent in a special book the night before it is their turn to share.


Happy Mother’s Day!

Reminder that Monday May 22 is a holiday so school will be closed.

Weekly update May 5

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Geometric Solids, Butterfly Life Cycle, and Bike Safety


We have started exploring with geometric solids (3 dimensional objects). Students have been learning the names of the shapes and comparing the number of faces, edges, and vertices. The students brought home a little book that they can share with you about 3D Shapes.

Butterfly Life Cycle

As we wait for the arrival of our caterpillars next week, we have been leanring about the stages of the life cycle. The students should know the following vocabulary: chrysalis, molting, probiscus, metamorphosis.

Here is a song we have been learning this week (to the tune of Itsy Bitsy Spider):

Bike Safety

Constable Fraser and Constable Wong visited our school today to teach us about bike safety. Ask you child more about the presentation.

Have a lovely weekend!

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