Library Day is Wednesday – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Library Day is Wednesday

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Hello families!

Every Wednesday our class will visit our school library with Mrs. Dias.  Last week, your child brought home a library bag with 2 books from our school library.  We hope you enjoy reading these books together. Please return the books by Wednesday every week so your child can take out new books. I have shown them where to place their books in our classroom when they return them.

Please also note that we have gym (physical education) class every Monday and Tuesday.

I also want to mention that apparently a coyote has been seen close to the school grounds. I have shown the class a picture of a coyote and spoke about what we should do if we see one. I know many of you play on the school grounds in the evenings and weekends so please be aware.

Have a great week!


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