Information for next week – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Information for next week

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Hello Division 14 families!

We hope everyone is having a wonderful week and enjoying the sunshine!

For families with students returning to school next week, we will be contacting you tomorrow through email to provide you with an update about your schedule for next week.

For families who will be continuing with online learning, we will send out blog and email communication for your activities every weekend as usual.

Please make a note that moving forward, we will have the following zoom sessions available each week:

-Mondays 1:15 – 1:45 – all students (at home and at school) will have Music with Ms. Gaspar.

-Wednesdays 1:00 – 2:00 – all students are welcome to join our whole group zoom session.

-Thursdays/Fridays – Ms. Mah will continue to offer her small group zoom sessions.

Links for these zoom sessions will be sent this weekend.

As you can imagine, the process of re-opening school during these times is quite challenging. Placing students into cohorts based on sibling combinations, staffing, and adhering to safety/social distancing parameters is extremely time consuming. Thank you for your patience with all of this!

Please remember to send me a photo of your child for our class collage!

AND as usual, I will continue to send out  “Sharing our Learning from Home” so please send me photos by noon tomorrow. Thank you!


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