Home Learning: April 6-10 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Home Learning: April 6-10

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Learning at home for the week of April 6 – 10 

Special announcements: Happy Birthday to Kian on April 10! We hope you have a special day!


  • MYSTERY DOUG LIVE EVENT: There is going to be a special live science show done by someone named Mystery Doug on Tuesday, April 7th  at 10am. He’s a science educator kids love. I’d love for you to help your child watch this. All you need to do is open this website link:


  • Here are some activity suggestions to try this week. You may want to try one or two of the suggested activities per day. We completely appreciate that your homes are busy places right now so please do not feel you must complete all of these activities by Friday. Add them to your schedule as best fits your household routine.
  • I would recommend bookmarking any of your favourite webpages including our blog website so you can easily access it without entering through email first.
  • Please note that my video links are large this week so it may take some time for them to upload onto your computer. I will try to make shorter videos next week!


(try to do these every day) 

1. READING – choose “read to self” or “listen to reading” (connect to tumblebooks link) https://learn.burnabyschools.ca/index.php/staff-resources/elementary-web-resources

2. GET ACTIVE – see suggestions below in “Get outside/get active”



  • STORY: ROSIE’S WALK  – click on the video link below to see Ms. C. reading this story and describing a “story map” activity. You can then click on the second link to read the same story on the Scholastic webpage. Remember to practice your printing by copying the words from the story (you can find them in the pocket chart picture below).

 Video of Ms. C reading Rosie’s Walk/activity


  • STORY: THE EASTER EGG – click on the video link below to see Ms. C reading this story and describing a lesson about experimenting with lines in order to make an easter egg drawing

 video of Ms. C. reading The Easter Egg/activity

  • ALPHABET EASTER EGG HUNT: Can you find some paper to make 26 eggs? How can you make 26 eggs without cutting out each egg (hint: folding paper can help)? Write a different letter of the alphabet onto each egg. Ask a family member to hide the eggs (or you can hide them for your family) and go on a hunt to find them. Then arrange them in alphabetical order to see if you have found them all!



  • SOCK SORTING: Next time your family is folding laundry, ask if you can sort the socks. Find all the matching pairs of socks. Is there a special way you can count the socks since they are in “pairs”? Did you find any socks that do not have a match? How does that happen? What other things in your house are found in “pairs”?

  • COUNTING COLLECTION: Can you make a counting collection like we have at school? You can choose any small items that you can find at home. Perhaps you can find some pasta, beans, marbles, stickers, toothpicks, etc. How many items do you have in your collection? Can you count them by 2s, 5s, and 10s? Can you make a pattern with them? Can you sort them by size, colour, or shape?


  • RAINBOWS: Do you remember the colours of a rainbow from Ms. Mah’s lesson? (hint: ROYGBIV). You may have noticed families putting pictures of rainbows in their windows to spread joy and hope. Can you make a rainbow to put in your window? 
  • Learn more about rainbows in this Mystery Doug video:  https://mysterydoug.com/mysteries/rainbows#slide-id-8205


  • NEIGHBOURHOOD WALK: If you are able to go for a walk with an adult, look for pictures that neighours have posted in their windows. What did you discover? (remember that playgrounds are closed and remember to practice social distancing while on your walk) 
  • GO NOODLE: check out www.gonoodle.com
  • OBSTACLE COURSE: Can you make an indoor or outdoor obstacle course like “Rosie’s Walk”? Remember to go across, around, over, past, through, and under some obstacles. Maybe you can use chairs, pillows, or blankets to create your obstacles.


  • FILLING BUCKETS: Fill someone’s bucket at least three times this week by giving compliments to family members.  Remember that you fill your own bucket by filling other people’s buckets!

 Check out these links for more ideas:



Have fun learning at home! Remember to email pictures to me by Friday at noon!

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