Class Photos on Friday! – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Class Photos on Friday!

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Hello families!

Class Photos

Just a quick note to mention that class photos will be taken tomorrow.

Late Arrivals

I also want to mention that I really encourage families to try to have children at school by 8:45 every morning. Classes begin at 8:50 and doors close. It is disruptive for children to arrive after 8:50.

I often have up to 8 students arrive LATE (after 8:50) in the morning!

As a parent, I completely understand that mornings are hectic and we will be late on occassion. However, I have almost half the class arriving after 8:50 on a regular basis. This is also more work for the office staff because they need to mark the late absence at the office taking away from their precious time. Please try to be on time to teach your children the importance of being on time.


Thank you very much!


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