Sports Day!
We had an awesome time at Sports Day today!
Three Little Pigs Project
This week, we built houses for the three little pigs using building materials from our classroom. Our goal was to build a house strong enough to withstand the big bad wolf blowing it down. Here are some of the awesome creations!
Plasticine Boat Project
Our goal was to create a plasticine structure that could float. After lots of trial and error I believe everyone was able to create something that floated! This lesson taught us how to adapt and continue to try until we reach our goal.
Ribbon wands
With the beautiful weather earlier in the week, we were able to get outside for a movement break using the ribbon wands.
Field Trip
Thank you very much to our volunteers who will be joining us next Friday on our walking field trip to Rene Park. I will send more info home next week once we have a better idea of weather conditions. We will have a pizza lunch delivered to the park. If you have ordered hot lunch for that day, I will ask the hot lunch coordinator to place it in the fridge so I can hand it out at the end of the day to take home.
Please return the green notice so that your child has permission to receive a hot dog on Thursday June 20 after the pow wow assembly. The PAC requires permission in order to give the students hot dogs so please return it asap. If you do not have a copy, Ms. Aujla resent the information on Thursday evening.
I’m sure everyone will sleep well tonight after today’s excitement!
Have a fabulous weekend and Happy Father’s Day!