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Weekly update: Jan. 10

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Wonderful First week of winter at school!

It was wonderful to be back in the classroom with your children this week. I really enjoyed reconnecting with them again and seeing how much they have learned in the past few months.

We have welcomed a new Kindergarten friend named Yanxi this week. Thank you to all the friends who have helped Yanxi learn the routines at school and been a good friend to her. Welcome Yanxi!

Board Games

I have started to teach students how to play board games and card games in small groups during exploration time. The benefits from game playing include turn taking, communication skill development, patience building, math skills, co-operation, and so much more. With next week’s focus on “Sleep and Screen Healthy Habits”, I encourage you to try to set aside a time to play a screen-free game with your family.

New Year Resolutions/Goals

We have all decided on a promise (resolution) for the new year. Ask your child what their resolution is.

Classroom happenings:

Snowmen painting:

We decorated our classroom with sparkly snowflakes as we hope for snow!


-please return your white report card envelope. You can keep the papers from inside.

-Grade One book bags – please return EVERY Monday.


Have a wonderful weekend!

Happy holidays!

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I want to thank you all for your well wishes and support as I have been recuperating. I am very excited to see the class when I return to the classroom on Monday January 6!

Wishing you all happy holidays and a restful break!


It’s December!

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Hello families!

The class has been busy with some wonderful learning activities with Ms. Kasic.

They planted bulbs in our school garden as part of learning about plants and plant lifecycles.

Lots of literacy activities-reading, printing, and sharing!

Here they are ready for the Jingle Bell Walk.

Dates to remember:

Friday Dec. 6 – Mistletoe Market – Some intermediate students have created items to sell at this event. Students are welcome to bring a small amount of cash ($5 or so) to purchase something at this event. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to learn about financial literacy.  Ms. K will give them instructions to keep their cash in their backpack until the class visits the market.

Tuesday Dec. 17 – Holiday Concert – our class will be performing in the school concert at 6pm.  If you your child is not able to attend the evening concert please email Ms. Capitanio. More info will be sent home soon with more details about the concert.

Friday Dec 20 – PJ Day and Pancake Breakfast. Last day of school before Winter Break!

School will re-open after the break on Monday Jan. 6!

November Update

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Hello everyone!!!

I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful Fall weather (with a few rain storms thrown in the mix!)

I am feeling well enough to start a gradual return to the classroom soon.

Ms. K. had been sharing classroom events with me.

Here are some of the highlights:


Diwali activities:

Remembrance Day Assembly

Mailing letters for the alphabet exchange:

And learning about pumpkin lifecycle:

I am looking forward to seeing everyone soon,

Take care

Ms. C.

Oct. 18 update

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Hello everyone!

I hope all of you are doing well. Ms. Kasic has been keeping me up to date with the class and it sounds like everyone is doing very well! She sent some photos that I would love to share with you. They have been working on kindness activities and a “robot” unit.

I am feeling great so far. Today was my 11th treatment out of 28. I am hoping to come visit the class sometime next week. I miss them very much!

Reminder – Friday, Oct. 25 is a Provincial Pro D Day – School will be closed to students.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

xo Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Sept. 27

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What happened this week in math?

In Kindergarten, the students are learning about patterns. Please check your child’s backpack for some patterning worksheets and ask your child to explain the patterns to you.

In Grade 1, we have been using “counting collections” (small containers of objects) to sort, pattern and count. We have been using “10 frames” to organize the objects for counting by 10s.

Orange Shirt Day

The students listened so well during the Orange Shirt Day assembly. We watched other classes perform drumming, read land acknowledgements, read stories, and share their learning about reconciliation. Please note that school will be closed on Monday September 30 to honour Truth and Reconciliation.

Fun in the sun

We enjoyed playing in the sun this afternoon.

Library Books

Your child brought home 2 library books on Wednesday. Please read and share these books at home together. Please return them to school in the ziploc bag on Wednesday so your child can check out 2 new books.

Good bye to Leo!

Leo will be moving so we all wished him well on his last day of school today. Leo, we wish you lots of new friends and fun times at your new school! We will miss you!

Good bye from me

I just want to say a quick good-bye and thank you all for your support (see letter sent home yesterday). Ms. Kasic will be an awesome teacher for the class! I’ll be back before you know it! Take care!

Dates to remember:

Monday September 30: School closed for Truth and Reconciliation Day

Friday Oct 11: Student Photos

Monday Oct 14: School closed for Thanksgiving

Friday Oct 25: Pro D Day, No school for students

Tuesday Oct 29: Pumpkin Patch Fun at Brantford

Thursday Oct 31: Halloween, Students are welcome to wear a costume. I recommend wearing a comfortable change of clothes under their costume so they can easily change if they get uncomfortable.

Have a beautiful weekend!


Weekly update Sept. 20

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Pete the Cat, Star Letters, and Terry Fox!

Hello everyone!

It was fabulous to have the whole class attend full days together this week! Everyone is learning the routines and learning to work together. Much of what we do in the early part of the year is get to know each other through play. The class has a “morning choice” time when they choose hands-on activities or finish up work. We also have a longer “exploration” time in the afternoon when the students can choose where they would like to play.

Art Projects

There are many opportunities to explore through art. This week we learned about “lines” by painting rainbow lines for our self-portrait backgrounds and creating name banners.

Star Letter

Every week we focus on learning all about one or two letters. We learn to recognize letters, learn the sounds, and print the letters correctly. This week we learned about M and S. Here are the Kindergarten friends learning how to print “s” on their whiteboards.

Pete the Cat

Many of our activities this week focused on “Pete the Cat” books.

Check out these cute Pete the Cats with the letters of our names on the buttons.

Guest Reader

We were fortunate to have Mr. Hodges visit our classroom to read us the fun book “Pigeon goes to School”. We hope to have him visit us again soon!


On Tuesday Sept 24, I will visit with Grade 1 families and some Kindergarten families (those that did not make it to an intake conference). Please arrive promptly at our classroom door (room 117) at your specific time.

Here are the times below:

2:00 Alisa

2:30 Alexandra

2:45 Hayden

3:30 Sam

4:00 Cameron

4:30 Evie

4:45 Adam

Terry Fox Run

The students were inspired to run like Terry Fox on this gorgeous afternoon. Way to go Division 14!

Dates to remember

Monday Sept 23 – Pro-D Day -no school for students

Tuesday Sept 24 – early dismissal for conferences at 1:55

Friday Sept 27 – Orange Shirt Day – students are welcome to wear an orange shirt but please do not feel that you need to buy one especially for the day.

Monday Sept 30 – School Closed for National day of Truth and Reconciliation


Have a beautiful weekend!

xo Ms.C

Weekly update Sept. 13

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Hello families!

Thank you for visiting the blog. Please email me at jennifer.capitanio@burnabyschools.ca to let me know you received our first blog entry.

I will update the blog every Friday with some classroom photos from the past week. You may wish to bookmark this site so you can access it at any time.

Here are a few photos from this week so you can have a peek into our classroom.

We had amazing drumming lessons with our instructor Daniel! So much fun learning about rhythm.

Please complete the forms that have been sent home this week and return to school as soon as possible.

Note: I will be away for my daughter’s dental surgery on Monday and Tuesday. Ms. Nelson will be teaching the class on both days. She already met the class and knows the classroom very well!

Thank you for your patience and we find our “groove”!

Have a wonderful weekend!

xo Ms. C

One last update!

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Hello families,

It has been an absolute pleasure to teach your children this year. Watching them emerge as readers, writers, mathematicians, and witnessing them growing into lovely humans has brought immense joy to my world this year. They are special little people that will always hold a place in my heart!

Thank you for all of your well wishes. I am truly grateful.

Have a wonderful summer! Enjoy all of the special moments that summer allows!

xo Ms. C

Ideas for Free Summer Fun for Kids

Walking field trip June 21

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Hello families,

I am not feeling well tonight so I made the decision to ask Ms. Nelson to cover for me tomorrow. She will take the class to Rene Park and she knows all the details.

I am so sorry to miss this fun trip but I know I will not have the energy.

Please make sure your child has everything they need in their backpack….water, snacks, towel, hat etc.


Have fun!!!

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