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Report Cards and School cash

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Please look for your child’s report card in their backpack today. You can keep the papers from inside the envelope but please return the envelope only so I can reuse it next term.

After spring break, we will have tennis lessons! Please pay for these lessons on “school cash” if you have not done so already. Thank you!


Skating on Wednesday!

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This is a reminder that we will be going skating on Wednesday morning.

Please arrive on time at 8:45 with snowpants, jacket, mittens, and sports helmet (if you have one).

Parent Volunteers: Thank you very much for helping us on this field trip. Please arrive at Kensington rink (6159 Curtis St.)  around 9:15. We should arrive between 9:15 and 9:30 by school bus. I would appreciate your help getting skates for our class and helping to tie their laces.

Weekly update March 7

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One more week until Spring Break!

This week we learned the song, “Robin in the Rain” and made robins for our classroom tree. See if you can find real robins as you walk through your neighbourhood.

Our family projects

When each student is special helper they share their family photo and family project. They are doing a great job!

Story Workshop

We have been creating stories through “story workshop” where we build stories with items. We then document our story with words.

Skating on March 12

Please remember to send your child with appropriate gear including snow pants, jacket, mittens, sports helmet (if they have one). All students will travel by school bus leaving around 9am. Please be at school on time! Thank you to all parent helpers. We will meet you at Kensington rink.

Gr. 1 Book bags

Please return book bags on Monday so I can provide you with new books to read over Spring Break. It’s important for Gr. 1 students to read these books to an adult at home to guide them as they read. Please encourage your child to read the books multiple times throughout the week. Perhaps you can make a special time each day (at bedtime, after school, etc) so reading can be a part of the daily routine. Some parents make a rule that there is no screen time allowed until their child has read for 10 minutes-whatever works for your family. The important thing to note is that we only become better readers by reading and reading more!

Kindergarten students -please practice your alphabet rap books at home.

Dates to remember:

-Wednesday March 12 – skating

-Friday March 14 – last day of school before spring break

-March 17 to 28 – Spring Break – school closed

-Monday March 31 – school re-opens

Reminders for Wed. Feb. 26

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Wednesday Feb. 26 is Pink Shirt day. Students are invited to wear pink clothing.

Please return all library books tomorrow.

Reminder-please do not allow your child to bring toys and stuffies to school as they can get lost or broken.

If you have not returned the pick permission form for skating, please do so asap.

Reminder that Friday Feb 28 is a Professional Development Day. School is closed for students.


Weekly update Feb. 14

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Hip hop and happy Valentine’s Day

Another busy yet fun week!

We finished our hip hop lessons by sharing our awesome dance at the assembly. The class did an amazing job dancing with confidence.

Valentine’s Day

We celebrated today with some special activities like bracelet making, playing with goop (corn starch and water), handing out valentine cards and eating our friendship fruit salad.

Have a lovely family day weekend! Please remember that there is no school on Monday Feb 17. 😊

Weekly update Feb. 7

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Our 100th day of school!

We celebrated being in school for 100 days by decorating hats with 100 stickers, doing 100 piece puzzles, and making 100 chain links.

Hip hop assembly on Thursday Feb. 13

Our class will be dancing to 2 songs from the movie Trolls.  We are encouraged to dress in rainbow colours and have our hair either in a a high ponytail or spiked up.

Paper bag collection

If you have any old, smaller sized paper shopping bags, I would love to have them for a Valentine mailbox project. Please send them in as soon as you can.

Thank you

Have a lively weekend!


Weekly update Jan. 31

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Our very busy and fun week!

On Monday, our class performed “I’m a little snowman” and ” Way up high” at our literacy week assembly. They absolutely rocked it! So proud of them for being very brave!

Lunar New Year

We loved making spring rolls. Everyone was able to roll their own spring roll and best part, eat it!

Calm time with playdough

For some peaceful time in our busy week  we opened fresh playdough and practiced rolling, creating different letters, and making snakes for the year of the snake!

Playdough is an awesome activity you can provide at home to develop hand muscles. Developing these muscles helps with writing as we continue to work on printing stamina.

Hip hop

We are really enjoying our hip hop lessons. Our routines are to songs from the movie “Trolls”. For the hip hop performance on Thursday Feb 13, students are asked to wear bright colours of the rainbow and wear their hair spiked up or in a high pony tail resembling troll hair.

PJ and Stuffie Day

The students wrote all about their stuffies in their journals. They did an amazing job describing and drawing with great detail.

With snow in the forecast for Monday, please ensure your child is dressed for the weather as we will be going outside! Please send extra socks to keep at school.

Have a lovely weekend!


Weekly update Jan. 24

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Literacy week, hip hop, and lunar new year!

This upcoming week is sure to be a busy one! Please see paper notices that were sent home on Friday for more information.

Key reminders:

– please bring white shirt, scark, mittens and hat so we can dress like snow people for our assembly presentation on Monday

-continue to send in books for book swap

-please send digital family photo or actual photo if you have not already done so (please please as this will be an important part of our upcoming exploration into our family studies and sharing activity)

-pajama and small stuffie day on Friday

A sneak peek into our room:

Morning choice: for the first 20 minutes every day students can participate is literacy activities. This was a fun activity where we “fished” for letters then practiced printing them.

Painting with coloured ice cubes!

We painted with coloured ice cubes just like some penguins did in the story “Penguins love Colour”.

Thanks for your support!😊


Weekly update Jan. 17

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Wellness week and wonderful winter weather!

This week we focused on many ways that we can take care of ourselves during “wellness week” activities. Each day we focused on a different area of wellness including healthy sleep habits, healthy eating, physical activity, and screen-free activities.  The students already had so many amazing ideas to share in our group discussions which we documented in these brainstorm charts.

Winter Artwork

We thought you would like to see our completed Snowmen paintings!

Gr. 1 Math

The Grade One students are now learning about subtraction. We have been using wintery objects like these snowflakes to create and write subtraction equations.


  • We will begin to learn all about our families. I would love to have a family photo from everyone to add to our projects. I have the following student photos: Aria, Caia, Cameron, Hayden, and Skyler. If I do not have a family photo of your child please send a printed photo or digital image by Feb. 3.
  • Hot lunch – please continue to send snacks on days when your child orders hot lunch. Many students are not able to eat the full lunch so may need to rely on their morning snack to sustain them. I have been trying to help the students eat their lunches as some of the containers are challenging. When your child brings their leftover lunch home, perhaps you can support them in becoming independent with taking off the lids and eating the new foods with a fork. I provide the students with 30 minutes to eat.
  • Lunar New Year, Jan 29. – we will celebrate by making vegetarian spring rolls in our classroom. I just want to confirm any allergies before we go ahead with this activity. We will be using the following ingredients: spring roll wraps (pre-made), cabbage, carrot, vermicelli noodles, soy sauce, vegetarian oyster sauce, green onion, cilantro, white pepper, flour. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOUR CHILD CANNOT EAT ANY OF THESE ITEMS BY JANUARY 22.


Enjoy this beautiful weekend!


Weekly update: Jan. 10

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Wonderful First week of winter at school!

It was wonderful to be back in the classroom with your children this week. I really enjoyed reconnecting with them again and seeing how much they have learned in the past few months.

We have welcomed a new Kindergarten friend named Yanxi this week. Thank you to all the friends who have helped Yanxi learn the routines at school and been a good friend to her. Welcome Yanxi!

Board Games

I have started to teach students how to play board games and card games in small groups during exploration time. The benefits from game playing include turn taking, communication skill development, patience building, math skills, co-operation, and so much more. With next week’s focus on “Sleep and Screen Healthy Habits”, I encourage you to try to set aside a time to play a screen-free game with your family.

New Year Resolutions/Goals

We have all decided on a promise (resolution) for the new year. Ask your child what their resolution is.

Classroom happenings:

Snowmen painting:

We decorated our classroom with sparkly snowflakes as we hope for snow!


-please return your white report card envelope. You can keep the papers from inside.

-Grade One book bags – please return EVERY Monday.


Have a wonderful weekend!

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